The best whey protein powder can be used to start your day with power. Most people go on a weight loss diet and the first thing they do is start skipping breakfast. That's like getting in your car to take a trip without placing fuel in the fuel tank. Eventually you run out of power.
That's exactly what happens when you don't start your day with fuel in your body. By mid-morning you have no power to perform at a high level. This usually leads to an unhealthy snack after half your morning has passed. This snack rarely satisfies your body's requirement for good fuel and then it is time for lunch.
Most people don't take the time to eat a healthy lunch. Typically a lunch consists of a high fat, high salt, high calorie meal that leads to a sluggish afternoon. By evening our body is yearning to be satisfied with a nourishing meal. Unfortunately we feed our body in quantity to make up for the poor eating all day long. But the quality is lacking in terms of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and unsaturated fat. We go to bed after this large and unhealthy meal and start the whole process over the next day.
You can break this unhealthy cycle with one of the best whey protein powder supplements. Whey protein is not just for bodybuilders although bodybuilders have long known the effectiveness it has in building muscle. Whey protein is a natural by-product of cheese production. It is an excellent source of lean protein. There are many high quality whey protein isolate powders that are readily available today. These come in many flavors and can now be mixed with just a shaker bottle. The flavors have improved to the point that you can simply mix with water for a great tasting shake. Or, you can mix with many other food items such as ice, fruit, peanut butter, and even some vegetables for added benefit.
Dr. Steve Tuggle is the Head Coach at Elite Wellness Coaching and is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur.
If you would like my favorite HIGH ENERGY WHEY PROTEIN SHAKE recipe or more information on HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT contact me at
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